In our video on Single-Pane of Glass Reporting, we discussed how manual data analysis can devalue the results.

When you manually build all your report content, there is a natural inclination to present the best view. The process of extracting data may well be the same month over month. However, the various spreadsheets used to produce the insights can so readily be updated as needed to give management the view they want or the view they want to be presented. This is the very definition of unconscious activity, and one may even go as far as to use the word bias. There is no malice or intent to mislead. However, the pressures of work are the drivers of what, in terms of Analysis, would be considered bad behaviours. This is one of the major differences between Business Intelligence and Data Science. The role of Business Intelligence is to provide a consistent narrative of performance. Data Science, on the other hand, actively seeks to identify correlations and their causes; if found to be valuable, these can then be fed into corporate strategy and business intelligence.

Manual preparation of report content takes up significant time and expense across many organisations, with Analysts spending days each month producing report content that could be automated. Invariably, the ad-hoc nature of this leads to the need to update the report sources regularly to cope with changes. These changes are rarely documented, and their impact is never fully analysed. The provision of insights should be played against the background of the baseline of business intelligence; this means that the insight should be framed in terms of variation from the “approved” values.


Enterprise Analytics solutions enable the automation of this task. They will ensure that the capability of establishing the required foundation of data exists. The monolithic nature of legacy Analytics Platforms also means that there is a distressing tendency for content to be extracted to Excel for analysis and new insights produced, these are then never fed back into the system. The net result is that over time the Enterprise Analytics Platform and the Corporate Standards diverge, meaning that the “value” provided by the platform is gradually eroded. The tale we use with clients is that the consultant’s hand is on the doors to leave after the successful implementation and when this process starts. This is why Power BI and the Modern Analytics Platforms push so heavily that a Centre of Excellence must be adopted to cover both the business and the enterprise platform owners. The primary reason for this is to ensure the recursive nature of any activities that could erode the platform value, thus ensuring that any changes to business logic or rules are fed back into the platform.

So how does all this benefit a business?

When an organisation’s data culture matures to the level that only automated reports can be used for line-of-business reporting, the whole nature of continuous improvement activities is changed and made more appropriate. The baseline is clearly established, known, and monitored, so the deflection from that baseline can be more readily framed. Remember that historic versions of business rules can be retained too, for example, compare historical logic against current or even track successful but withdrawn Improvement activities. The final benefit is in time, our Director talks about his own experience where Power BI meant that the monthly reconciliation moved from taking a minimum of three to five business days to get a draft number to the actual numbers being available from 3am on the 1st of the month. This also made it possible for a “Month in Progress” view to be provided to the Senior Leadership Team.

This whole topic is too complex for a simple article to convey. However, the principle is clear. When content is manually generated, it will be presented in as positive a light as it can be, after all no one likes to be the bearer of bad news. When content is automated, the “Analysis Gap” is reduced. In a manual monthly reporting cycle, an issue that occurs early in the month may not be reported to leadership for nearly two reporting cycles – after all, monthly meetings in a manual reporting organisation will be after the mid-point of the month. If a “Current Month” Report is available that can be reduced to 24 hours (or less). All while freeing up your analyst resources to carry out beneficial analytical activities rather than wasteful churn tasks.

Geordie Consulting, a dedicated consultancy, has partnered with numerous companies to tackle this challenge. We are committed to sharing our expertise and experience with clients by supporting your Centre of Excellence. Our consultants and their knowledge will be available to foster the growth and development of this function within your organisation. Our team will oversee your Power Platform estate, ensuring consistent refresh cycles. Additionally, we will mentor your team or facilitate knowledge-sharing events to promote a new Data Culture within your business. As a Microsoft Partner, we ensure our team stays current with platform updates. We can simplify the upskilling process for your internal team by guiding and supporting their learning and demonstrating solutions implemented during your engagement. To optimise your return on investment, consider enrolling your organisation in our Centre of Excellence as a Service offering.