Data Culture


Acknowledge Failure

In business, we all seek to succeed; we look to do this by being “the best”, but it is rarely that simple. There are multiple versions of the same thing: a cycle-based mindset to achieve your goals. We have seen multiple versions that, when distilled, come back to “Continual Improvement”. The internal expectations are always...
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Improvements and Data Analytics

Continual improvement is a process of constantly seeking ways to enhance the quality and efficiency of products, services, or processes. It is based on the idea that small, incremental changes can lead to significant improvements over time. Continual improvement can be applied to any aspect of a business. Still, it is especially relevant for Data...
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Perceive your KPI’s

Over the last three weeks, we have discussed how KPIs are formed from an internal perspective of a process, and then other people have their own perception of what was laid down. The result can be chaotic for a business, with the very things designed to confirm success actually steering the organisation in the wrong...
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The formation of KPI’s

When we go into business, we usually have a fixed idea of our offerings and the goals we’d like to achieve. As someone who has been self-employed and the only member of staff to worry about, I always ensured that I put my customer’s best interests at heart from the moment they walked through the...
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Perception the foil to Perspective

Perspective is an externally facing concept. Our Perspective of events and goals shapes what we put out in the world. Our friends, family, colleagues, and teams then perceive those perspectives. The question is, do those perceptions match the Perspective that spawned them? All too often, in business, we find that the drive to meet requirements...
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Perception and defining our path to success

Work-Life Balance is something that is often discussed, but do we understand what it means? Some people say it means your work should only be from 9-5 Monday – Friday alternatively there are those who say business should not take the agency from employees instead allowing them to complete their hours as and when they...
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Together for Success

Over the last three weeks we have almost romanticised the link between People, Process and Technology, this anthropomorphising is not just for comic effect, there is method to it. The challenge here is that while balance can make an area of the business more successful, it is unlikely to be the sole factor. This then...
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The successful marriage – people, process and technology

Having explored the role of what AI is in context and how it is to be used successfully in combination with our other technologies, it must be in balance with our people and processes. Only when you consider the three as the legs of a milking stool do we understand the importance of all three...
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Love of process

Last week, we looked at the power partnership that makes all businesses successful: People, Process and Technology. When the three work together, your business has the best chance of success. When they are pulling against each other, failure is almost guaranteed. In so many ways, they are a Throuple indeed that can best sum up...
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The business of love or the love of business

It does not matter if you are a Technophobe or a Technophile; you will have a mixed relationship with technology. Some annoy you, offend you, make you smile or even laugh. Regardless of what the technology is, we form a “personal” relationship with it. Attributing human characteristics to technology or anthropomorphising is not uncommon; at...
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