Data Culture


Data Ethics

Ethics, its massive, it’s a word that is on everybody’s lips. It implies fairness and justice, equality. Ethics is – “the philosophical discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong”, so it intersects hugely with values and bias. Remember morals are defined by values and values are defined by...
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Why we do what we do.

I started Geordie Intelligence as a response to what I was seeing both in the corporate world around Data Analytics and big data where correlation and causation were becoming muddled to say the least. The final straw for me though was the Covid-19 Pandemic. I was working for a company at the time so was...
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Together as One: Data-driven future

As an introduction to why we do what we do, allow me to share some summary points. We are approaching the close of yet another year, so what can we say 2023 has taught us so far and what do we want to learn before the year end?   Identity is something that we all...
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Values and Bias: Their interaction.

Values and morals are inextricably linked and are borne from a strong set of core beliefs that we hold dear, it boils down to what we believe to be right and wrong. The adage, ‘treat others as you expect to be treated yourself’ is a prime example. Most people want to be treated well; most...
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Why are We Talking About Bias?

The views in this article are my own and are based on my experiences. If you disagree, I hope you will add a comment so we can have a healthy discussion and all learn more. In the previous three articles, we have covered how bias influences us personally and how we must be aware that...
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The Impact of Organisational Bias

When looking at your staff, your systems, and processes, how many boxes are you ticking and on who’s say so? Are things generally working to the companies’ benefit? Do you have a team of driven individuals who are happy and thriving within the internal organisation, all feeling heard, valued and integrated? Is there a bias...
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The Dynamics of Group Bias

Continuing our discussion about bias let us consider how our personal moves into society and even the causes and effects it can have on us as individuals and our expectations of the world around us. Let us take that cup of coffee and go sit with it for a while…. To make it easier let...
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Considering Bias – A healthy discusission

We encounter bias daily, whether we are actively aware of it or not. Be it from selecting a provider for our morning coffee to the companies we use. Decisions may be experientially led or come from a colleague, friend or relative. You can apply the same to an individual’s set of beliefs. Is there as...
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Analytics and Data Literacy

The role of our Consultancy is to help companies make the most of their data. The foundation of this is Data Literacy. Without Data Literacy, you cannot have a deep Data Culture and transition to become a Data-Driven Business without tackling Data Literacy’s challenge. Data Literacy means helping people to understand what data means. If...
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Analytics and Abstraction

“The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.” Joseph Stalin It is easy to be fooled by the quote and think that, of course, we would not possibly think that the deaths of millions could be less important than the death of one. However, turn on any news...
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