Free yourself from Excel-hell

Free yourself from Excel-hell


1:00 pm - 4:30 pm




Geordie Consulting - HQ
Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG

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Many analysts are bogged down by repetitive tasks involving exported data, often in Excel spreadsheets. These tasks typically include converting data into pivot tables or charts and emailing them to an audience. But what if there was a better way to achieve the same results more efficiently and effectively?

Excel offers powerful tools to automate many of these daily tasks, freeing analysts to focus on what they are paid for: analyzing performance and events. Automating these repetitive tasks is the first step toward meaningful data change within an organization. This not only enhances the quality of analysis but also allows these benefits to be shared across the business, as teams gain the bandwidth to disseminate their knowledge. Let this be the first step on your company’s journey to data excellence.

By leveraging these tools, you can transform your workflow, making it more efficient and allowing you to focus on delivering valuable insights.

Join us at our office in our select boardroom for another free session showing how you can start to leverage PowerQuery within Excel to process automatically what was previously a manual task. Next, we will show you how to change from Excel to Power BI.



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